I have made a few clips of my films available for viewing in streaming video for you to enjoy. These films are all available for rental in 16mm from my distributor Canyon Cinema unless otherwise indicated

KODACHROME REVISITED I made this film by shooting around 180 rolls of 35mm slide film. I then hand processed the film in a very sloppy manner. I never mounted the film into slides I simply took the 35mm strips of film and spliced them together. Some of the rolls used in this film were shot by random people I sent a roll of film to, that they shot and sent back to me. The Throbbing Gristle provided the films soundtrack.
1987, 35mm, color, sound,  

This version has been totally restored from the original 35mm elements. This is also included on Selected Short Experimental films 1987- 2007 DVD.

A SONG FOR BARBARA I made this little film for my very best friend in the whole wide world, Barbara Evans. I wanted to do something for Barbara to tell her how much I love her and what a important part of my life she has become, so I made her this film, and It is a hand painted and step printed film that is also silent.
2009, 16mm, color, silent 

This is a clip from my awarding winning 1994 experimental film.
UNDERCURRENTS This film was the third and final installment of my Urban Landscape Series and is my personal favorite of the three. In this film I utilized all the techniques that I had learned over the years and put them all into this film. I finally felt that my mission was complete regarding structures and that I could move forward and try other ideas. RUBATO provided the films sound track.
1994, 16mm, bw/tint, sound, 7min

THE ASTRUM ARGENTIUM This is the third film in a series that is being called the Anomalies cycle. It is mostly a hand painted and step printed film. I used some footage from a failed film project that I was working on 10 years prior. I manipulated this footage with a variety of techniques including painting, bleaching and batiking of the film emulsion. This time I used stained glass dyes and also experimented with photographing the growing of crystals with time laps cinematograhy. I also created the sound design for this film. This film has been screened at dozens of film festivals around the world including the Seattle International Film Festival and the International Experimental Film Exposition in Boulder Colorado.
2006, 16mm, Color, Sound, 6 min